Art and Feminism by Colin Pink
In this talk we’ll explore the ways in which women have been excluded from the art world and how they have struggled to be taken seriously. We’ll look at a diverse range of feminist art, from 1940 to the present, and trace how different waves of feminist thinking have fed into different phases of art making.

The talk includes discussion of a wide range artists and thinkers: Simone de Beauvoir, Melanie Klein, Betty Friedan, Germaine Greer, Linda Nochlin, Laura Mulvey, Lee Krasner, Joan Mitchell, Judy Chicago, Marisol, Pauline Boty, Louise Bourgeois, Martha Rosler, Laurie Anderson, Carolee Schneeman, Hannah Wilke, Miriam Schapiro, Barbara Kruger, Guerrilla Girls, Jenny Holzer, Janine Antoni, Mary Kelly, Cindy Sherman, Helen Chadwick, Tracey Emin and Marlene Dumas.
Colin Pink
Colin Pink has a BA in Philosophy and Politics from the University of Southampton and an MA in the History of Art from Birbeck, University of London. He specialises in the interrelationship between the history of ideas and the history of art and has lectured on aspects of modern art at a wide range of cultural organisations: Putney School of Art and Design; the Temenos Academy; APT Studios; Mascalls Gallery; the Museum of Futures, Surbiton; the Jerwood Gallery, Hastings and the De La War Pavillion, Bexhill-On-Sea. He also curates exhibitions and has published two books of poetry: Acrobats of Sound, 2016 and ‘The Ventriloquist Dummy’s Lament’, 2019.