‘Turner and the Sea’ – Visit to National Maritime Museum and The Queen’s House, Greenwich – 29th January 2014

Like so many days this winter the day of our visit dawned cold and dismal but the weather was no deterrent for the 50 of us who boarded the coach for Greenwich. We were rewarded by a thoroughly enjoyable and very informative day. Undoubtedly, the highlight was the wonderful exhibition of Turner’s sea paintings, alongside those of some of his major contemporaries. However, led by our enthusiastic and knowledgeable guide, our tour of the National Maritime Museum was fascinating. We saw the museum’s greatest treasures ranging from the beautiful cup and star given by Elizabeth 1 to Sir Francis Drake, through wonderful artefacts from the nautical heyday of the C18th and C19th to fascinating examples from more modern times.There was so much to see in the Museum that there was little time to explore fully the marvellous collection of paintings in The Queen’s House. However, several members even managed to get across the road to the Old Royal Naval College and see the delights of the Painted Hall and Chapel. Many of us agreed there was definitely scope for a further visit.